Operation White Flag
We are not surrendering
We just want to discuss our freedom.
What is Operation White Flag?
It is not a surrender
Dear Canada,
Today is a day of great sadness, and yet, also one of sincere hope. Hope for the future, hope for humanity, and most importantly hope for us. As Canadians, we have watched as our duly elected representatives have continuously failed to uphold our freedoms, and those who have attempted to preserve our rights have been censored and silenced. We must understand that at this moment in time, we have been presented with two clear options.
We can decide to remain on the trajectory that our current government has imposed upon us and continue with the systemic degradation of our sovereignty, wherein our thoughts cannot be expressed freely under the guise of internet censorship. We will have our finances frozen or stolen indefinitely if our opinion is not in line with the current government-approved narrative. Our capacity to earn a living will be removed slowly as we will be required to sacrifice our health for our income with boosters and vaccines for various emergencies and pandemics. This is where we will see that it was never about our well-being as our bodies will decay into ailments we cannot recover from.
Today is our day to choose the second option. Choose love, light, and liberty. Choose to stand free.
They have stripped our country’s flag of its lifeblood. The red in our flag represented the blood of sacrifice from our veterans and the very heartbeat of our citizens. What would our flag be without it? Empty.
Therefore, today is the day we take down our Canadian flags and replace them with a white flag, void of these symbols of our freedom. We do this in silence as our voices have been muffled, distorted, and ultimately taken from us. Instead of standing and shouting, we kneel in silence. We do not kneel in defeat, but in solidarity and love for our fellow Canadians that are no longer safe living in their own country. This is a revolutionary time. This is our last attempt to speak up for humanity. Fly your pillowcases, handkerchiefs, any white fabric…show them that we have NOTHING left but a distant memory of our un-infiltrated country.
We are CANON. The Canadian arm of Anonymous and our call to action on this auspicious day is this: Fly your white flags everywhere as we no longer have a country to call our own.
To be clear, the free citizens of Canada are not surrendering. Our white flag represents the loss of our belief in the democracy that was Canada. We know that our house has been ‘penetrated’ and will not tolerate this blatant coup d'etat by a surreptitious entity.
With the release of the annon video today, we know that our country is the pilot project for the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset. We assure you that if Canada fails to stop this pilot project and quell the overtaking, our country is only the first in the domino effect that will topple humanity’s freedom. Should you choose to flee, unfortunately, you will not escape this global agenda. This is your opportunity to resist, here and now.
We are changing this agenda of RESET into AWAKENING. This is our GREAT AWAKENING. #whiteflag