Letter to The People of the World, from an average Canadian
Hi! I am a Canadian, and recently we have been making some noise. We seem to have some issues and we sincerely apologize for any disturbances that may have caused you. Shit has been tough. I hope you can bear with us.
Recently some of our truckers and other Canadians, decided enough was enough, you know with all the mandates and restrictions and public health orders, and having given ample warning to the government, converged on our capital city. However because our government seems to have been hijacked by incredibly narcissistic authoritarians, they refused to deal with that unfolding situation with anything resembling dignity and honour, and instead sought to dismiss the concerns of so many of us, by labeling us as a racist, misogynistic fringe minority, with unacceptable views.
Our Prime Minister, a failed racist drama teacher who likes to wear black face, and has paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to a minor to keep them silent about his sexual assault on her, is an embarrassment and a buffoon. He is a puppet of globalist masters and has repeatedly breached ethics rules and engaged in what can only be described as criminal activities.
Our form of government is archaic, unresponsive, easily compromised and is failing to provide for the populace. People who are supposed to be our servants hold themselves as our masters, and rely upon deception and ignorance to maintain their claim to authority. They have abandoned the critically necessary concept of equality in favour of oligarchical hierarchy and have grown very wealthy at the public trough, all while average Canadians struggle to survive, many without clean drinking water.
Our courts are demonstrably corrupt, and operated by a private group, for their own benefit and gain. They are not public courts, they are private businesses which are open to the public. They claim the right to exercise power and control over those who do not consent, and interpret statutes in an unacceptably expansive manner. They will with one hand grant injunctions which the police will use to justify violence and then claim that the remedy for these injustices can only be found in their courts.
Our peace officers are asked to wear two hats, one as peace officers and another as policy enforcement officers. Many of them are ignorant of the law and refuse to distinguish between law and equity, facts and fictions, and people and persons. They have demonstrated they are little more than paid revenue collecting thugs, willing to accept unlawful orders.
Our legacy mainstream media outlets, have been literally bought off by the government, and are now entrenched and distrusted propaganda arms of the ruling elite. This fourth estate is as corrupt and unserving as the first three, and would make Goebbels drop his jaw in admiration. They are fear mongering, division creating, profit driven peddlers of the government approved narrative of the day.
All of this combined has caused many Canadians to lose all respect, trust and confidence in our public institutions and public servants. We are over taxed, while Trudeau can find billions of dollars out of the public purse to gift away to his foreign friends and World Economic Forum cohorts. Politicians and bureaucrats have in the past two years increased their wealth enormously while small businesses and the self-employed have suffered and even closed up their shops. Unelected bureaucratic experts have imposed restrictions and mandates upon the population without regard to human rights, dignity, fairness, necessity or equality.
The final straw for many of us was the smug and narcissistic Trudeau enacting the Emergencies Act to deal with lawful protest instead of demonstrating anything resembling leadership and statesmanship. The government is claiming the right to seize funds and assets of ordinary Canadians for no other reason then holding unacceptable views which question the motives of the government actors and undermine the approved official narrative.
In short, our country has been hijacked and even though many Canadians who ingest the media drivel on a daily basis seem to be okay with it, there are a great many who are not okay with it, and who are choosing to stand in defiance of those who claim authority, and in defence of our rights and freedoms.
Towards that end, we have issued our own Declaration of a State of Emergency. This emergency is not a result of a virus, nor of the people who are tired of the government overreach and clear erosion of our rights and freedoms and have protested against it, but is due to corruption, incompetence and hubris in all levels of government and the general apathy and naivete of much of the population. We see our house is burning, and those who are setting the fires are trying desperately to keep the populace asleep, and, malign the ones raising the alarm.
Therefore relying upon custom, the natural and common law, our inalienable rights, and the sacrifices of our ancestors and forefathers, we the free people of Canada are calling on all free people of the world for their support against an increasingly tyrannical and inept government, and to help us develop and implement a better system of government. One which does not concentrate power into the hands of the most power hungry and corrupt, but recognizes the importance of equality, fairness, and human dignity.
Funds will be used to educate the populace about the deception relied upon by the legal system; establish grand juries which can be used to bring bills of indictment against government actors who have breached their duties of trust and to determine and protect our rights; establish proper publicly owned and operated courts of law within which all are equal; establish a new corps of peace officers whose primary duty will be to the people of Canada and not to the government. We will also use funds to create a more responsive political system which will employ existing technology to ensure transparency and accountability and deny the corrupt their stranglehold on our institutions.
Therefore, we call upon the people of the world, who know and love Canadians for who we are, and who want to see us succeed over these criminals in power to visit in order to read our Declaration of a State of Emergency, support us in our lawful activities, and for further information as it is made available.
Thank you for your time and for your support.
We are Can-anon.